Advanced EIW

Reshape Your Entire Life Once completing the EIW weekend program, many decide to extend the application of the EIW tools into every aspect of their life by attending our 5-day residential program: Advanced EIW™. This residential program workshop sets the stage to eliminate reactivity, while instilling automatic and unconscious use of the EIW toolset to maximize both workplace and personal life results. In the Advanced EIW program, you will explore yourself and your behaviors through another set of exercises that help you reach an even clearer understanding of yourself. You will cement all the tools introduced during your EIW weekend, and receive new tools designed to power your growth and effectiveness. You will receive new perspectives about your self-limiting beliefs and behaviors, enabling you to make different choices with significantly more impact wherever you choose. It can be difficult to surrender parts of ourselves that we have worked hard to develop, even when those behaviors - which once served us - now prevent us from achieving significant workplace and personal goals and results. In Advanced EIW you will examine your created behavior patterns to see where you acquired them, why you maintain them, and how they affect your quality of life and achievement. This secluded five-day workshop program provides an opportunity to look at your life deeply, dismantle your barriers to professional and personal effectiveness, and create the results you desire. Identifying and eliminating any self-imposed limits and unresolved past issues exposes the best ‘you’ and your fuller leadership capabilities. Courage replaces fear; confidence overtakes doubt; self-imposed restrictions disappear as you discover your fuller potential. You'll experience the value of self-reflection, staying centered, minimizing judgment, maintaining balance, keeping commitments to yourself and others and thinking bigger. Obstacles become stepping stones, and challenges are opportunities for growth. You and your fellow Advanced EIW participants create a web of support available to you for the rest of your life.

As a leader, expect to invest a great deal of personal energy and emotion in relationships. Truly effective leadership does not just happen, it is created.”

- Robert Schwarting

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